If you have a timeshare, scammers might target you.
Maybe you weren’t thinking about selling your timeshare — but suddenly, someone calls
and tells you they’re a real estate agent and have an interested buyer. They might have
information about you and your property, so the offer seems credible. Then, the so-called
timeshare expert asks you to pay upfront to finalize the deal. Stop. That could be a scam.
Timeshare exit companies advertise a lot. Many "guarantee" they can get you out of your timeshare contract, but sometimes these companies are simply a scam. In a case announced today, the FTC said a company called Consumer Protection Law (one of its many names) didn’t deliver on all its promises. Read on to learn about staying ahead of the scammers.
Since this is a legal matter, Call For Action can not help to resolve. Please do not submit a complaint.
Wireless technology continues to evolve and each new generation brings enhanced speeds and services for consumers. Over the past decade, Americans have transitioned from 3G to 4G service on many of their mobile devices. Wireless
providers continue to improve and invest in 4G networks, but they also are now deploying the next major advancement in wireless technology – 5G or 5 th generation.
Approximately 45 million Americans wear contact lenses. Advances and technology have made contacts
a much more popular form of vision correction. The federal government has also implemented guidelines for contact lens prescribers and sellers.
What is a credit score?
Credit scores are tools used to predict an outcome, most commonly repayment of a debt.
Credit scores look at an individual’s credit history and calculate the relative risk that the individual will not fulfill the terms of an agreement based on their past performance.
On January 28, 2018 FTC rules went into effect requiring all used car dealers to display an updated
version of the federally mandated, “Used Car Buyers Guide” sticker. The new version of the sticker
reflects changes made in 2016 to the FTC’s Used Car Rule.
The new sticker looks similar to the old version, but it includes some key changes:
● Changes the description of an “As Is” sale;
● Places boxes on the face of the Buyers Guide that dealers can check to indicate whether a
vehicle is covered by a third-party warranty and whether a service contract may be available;
● Provides a box that dealers can check to indicate that an unexpired manufacturer’s warranty
Identity theft occurs when someone obtains and uses a person’s identifying information, such as name, address, date of birth, social security number or mother’s maiden name to commit fraud. An imposter can open new credit card accounts, drain your bank accounts, purchase automobiles,apply for loans,open utility services and on and on.
No matter how cautious you are, you cannot guarantee that a criminal will not obtain your information. The following steps will tell you what the warning signs are, how to protect yourself, what to do if you become a victim and the resources you will need.
The Internet has revolutionized the way we learn, work, and do business. Home broadband access has become more and more of a need for families to participate in modern society. Job applications, homework, health services and a host of other daily activities require high-speed connectivity.
In an effort to help close the “digital divide”, companies such as AT&T, Charter Communications (Spectrum) and Comcast are stepping up to address the problem. Each has developed a program to provide low-cost, high-speed service to households that meet certain requirements. A few of these programs also provide access to low-cost computers, smartphones and tablets to those who qualify.
Charter Communications - Spectrum Internet Assist: www.centurylink.com/home/internetbasics/
Comcast Internet Essentials: www.internetessentials.com
Cox Connnect2Compete: https://www.cox.com/residential/internet/low-cost-internet-plans.html?