For complaints, please use the Submit Complaint Here button listed below. All complaints are handled through our database.
Click here to submit your complaint
We do not handle employment matters, discrimination, sexual harassment,
active litigation/alternate dispute resolution or medical complaints other than billing.
Learn more about our mission, how the Call For Action process works, and how our media partners are involved.
Call For Action depends on a nationwide network of volunteers to take inbound consumer calls and coordinate stories and solutions with local media outlets.
How do I become a Call For Action volunteer?
To become a volunteer, contact the CFA affiliate in your area. See the Local Offices section of the website to find the office closest to you. You can also call our national number at 800-647-1756 or email
How much time would I need to spend each week volunteering?
Our volunteers devote a few hours, one day a week; usually from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the local CFA office.
How many other volunteers are there?
As a CFA volunteer, you will be a part of a network of more than 600 volunteers across the country.
What kind of people usually volunteer for CFA?
All kinds: teachers, lawyers, former CEOs, engineers, homemakers, pharmacists, secretaries, government employees, and writers. People just like you!
How much time will I need to commit to CFA?
We ask volunteers to make a one-year commitment to the program.